I can highly recommend Samuel. I have 10 years of driving experience, and I took classes with Samuel solely to learn Swiss laws and pass a driving exam to exchange my license. However, what I didn't expect from our lessons was that, … Mehr in addition to successfully passing my exam, I would become a better driver, correcting some of my long-standing problems. Samuel, while being positive and pleasant to talk to, teaches you not just to pass an exam (that's just a nice bonus), but to be a confident, smooth, and safe driver.

Anton Gazizov
2 months ago
I had a great learning experience and can highly recommend Samuel. He is very passionate about driving, but more than that he is amazing at teaching. These are the things I enjoyed the most:Firstly, the experiments that we did during the … Mehr lessons, which helped me understand the car limits, build confidence and which made every single lesson fun! It's so important to get out of the comfort zone in a safe space, and he can definitely create that.Secondly, his natural ability to be empathetic: talking to him helped me understand my fears in certain traffic situations and overcome them through experiments. This makes his teaching so tailored to the student's needs. But this ability also extends into understanding the difficulties that others are facing in traffic. We often discussed about the vibe of the street, sharing space with bikes and motorbikes, communicating with others in traffic. Understanding all these aspects leads to taking good decisions for safe driving.Thirdly, he is not only super skilled, but he continuously learns and explores new ways of bringing information to people, all while adding so much positive energy into his lessons. This becomes very motivating for the student to practice and improve. Alongside his patience, even boring maneuvers can become fun. I cannot thank him enough for all the parkings that we did until I got them right.Lastly, I'm very grateful for his flexibility to fit driving lessons in my busy schedule as a working mum, and for always focusing on safe driving. In the end, I've learned that there is so much more to driving then just controlling the car and I've been inspired to always seek to improve.

Ana-Lucia Ureche
a week ago
Honestly, this guy was born to teach!I took a 3 day course with him, and he’s crazy good at understanding what you need to change, and how to get there. The course was also way more interesting than I expected: I was waiting for a standard … Mehr “you do this, you do that” as it would happen in my home country, but Sam’s course contained lots of ultra important stuff that I didn’t know. I would suggest this even if it wasn’t mandatory.In addition to that, he’s very well prepared for expats: he speaks amazing English, and he knows which things are the “weirdest” here compared to other countries.Can’t recommend him enough!

Simone Montali
4 months ago
In short - Worst experience of my life.In detail -Despite driving safely and perfectly in Switzerland for over a year as an expat I was made to feel as if I don’t know how to drive and was made to feel suffocated during the driving lessons. … Mehr I felt unsafe when he was driving so much so that once a tram honked when he was driving the car to teach me a lesson which was to drive on the left side and ended up getting honked himself.If this wasn’t enough -I was told one day before the driving test that if I don’t take the last lesson I will fail the examination and guess what, the non english speaking driving test examiner did exactly that after spending 2 mins with the instructor before the test.The driving test was a perfect one zero mistakes, the only flaw I can partially agree with can be that I did not turn my head 360 degree (or even beyond if that’s possible) while taking a lane switch. Apart from this the test was near perfect, no lane errors, no speed errors, no emergency stop errors nothing.Still was denied the licence.So much was the impact that I decided in a days time that I will return back to my home country considering -primarily, as I bought a car here and it won’t be legal to drive now.Secondly, with money extracting process where after you pay 1000chf you still are denied licence and examiners/trainer are so rude to non German speaking people.Worst experience ever

Varun Seth
in the last week
A very great experience working with Samuel. I got the referral from a dear friend as I was looking to get the motorcycle license with an instructor who could also instruct in English. Very technically sound and was helpful with sufficiently … Mehr preparing me for the exam. Very highly recommended

Jide Fawole
3 months ago
Samuel is the best teacher you can find for new drivers. He is very knowledgeable, patient, attentive and warm hearted. With his unique way of video analysis you find out blind spot of your knowledge of driving and see things in a grand … Mehr scheme so to improve the driving style with rocket speed. I have learned so much and corrected so many mistakes with him in such a short time. I cannot imagine how I would have gained this amount of confidence and knowing what I would have not known without him. I cannot express more gratitude but only say that with Samuel’s teaching, you do not only benefit from passing the test but also from driving safely for life!

Qin Liu
vor 10 Monaten
The best by far! I’ve been terrified of driving (even though I have a licence) and several people had recommended me this teacher. I can confirm he’s amazing ! Very calm, patient, knowledgeable and devoted to making you learn and be a good … Mehr driver! He’s passionate about teaching and really focuses on your weaknesses and making sure you’re a safe and confident driver.Approachable, with a sense of humour that will put any nervous learner at ease. It’s been a pleasure learning (again!) to drive with him. Highly recommend him.

Melissa Marechal
vor 10 Monaten
Samuel is an angel in my life and our family. I failed 2 times and passed in the 3rd attempt with the help of Samuel.I wish you a great and happy life. Only can recommend him as driving instructor.

Sultana Rashid
vor 10 Monaten
100% recommended.Sam is a professional, friendly and authentic instructor who will identify your weaknesses and take your driving skills to the next level.Very important to mention that I passed the driving test on my first try and all … Mehr my preparation was with his lessons.Thank you Sam for this!!

Ale Pernalete
vor einem Jahr
I just want to thank Samuel who was my best driving instructor in Zurich. He has been patience with me since day one until the end. He is very friendly and honest instructor which help me a lot to pass my test.He book my test as soon i … Mehr was ready and the rest is history..We did it and got my Swiss driving license.

Philbert Bureta
vor einem Jahr
Samuel will try to understand your patterns and dynamics in-depth to help you in the best way that suits you. Also, he will increase your motivation and confidence levels. Only a person who loves his job will do this.Before the examination, … Mehr we practiced different possible routes and situations that may accrue in it, which made me feel more confident and relaxed, and one of these routes was my examination route.I think if you choose Samuel that you made the best choice.

Maria Stankovic
vor 2 Jahren
Highly recommend Sam. Very professional, thorough and friendly approach. First try pass being an English speaker.

Kairat S
vor 2 Jahren
Samuel is a great teacher. He understands your traits, supports and motivates you, creates a comfortable atmosphere. A perfect balance between practice and discussions/explanations. Definitely recommend!

Ekaterina Stepanova
vor 2 Jahren
Sam is a great driving teacher. Always patient, has vibe and make u relax and feel driving is fun. He is the one who makes u feel he will be with u until the end of journey, ( get the license.). And he speaks English, so I highly recommended … Mehr for expats who look for English speaking teachers.

Anna Kan
vor 3 Jahren
I recently passed my Cat A motorcycle exam in Zürich all thanks to Sam! He is a great motorbike instructor, who personalised his teaching technique to my needs and he speaks English fluently (which is a big help as I am only learning German). … Mehr With Sam, it's not just about the technicalities, he also brings his love of motorcycles which always helped remind me of why we ride. Thanks Sam!

James Foran
vor 3 Jahren
Samuel is an excellent driving instructor with strong knowledge about all the major exam routes in Zurich! He helped me pass the practical exam for the motorbike category A (+35KW) within a couple of weeks. I really need to point out that … Mehr he is super thorough when analysing each student's driving style and he gives really targeted advice that allows you to learn quickly.Although the website might not be available in English yet, I can confirm that he is perfectly capable of giving driving lessons in English, too 🙂

Anna Hügel
vor 3 Jahren
I just passed my test. Learning from Samuel was a great experience. He is honest and very friendly person. His teaching skills are really really good. Icing on the cake is that he speaks good English. His availability is also great. I can … Mehr only recommend him for your driving lessons

Abdul Nawaz Bugti
vor 3 Jahren
Durch die humorvollen, individuellen sowie kompetenten Fahrstunden die ich von Samuel erhalten habe, konnte ich meine Fahrkenntnisse erlernen sowie verbessern. Sobald ich ein Knopf hatte und nicht weiter wusste fand Samuel eine Idee wie … Mehr wir diesen Fehler beseitigen konnten. Durch seinen Humorvollen Unterricht konnte ich mit sehr viel spass viel dazu lernen. Mein Experte bestätigte mir nach der Praktischen Prüfung, wie gut ich Vorbereitet war, da ich dank Samuel eine Fehler Freie Prüfung absolvieren durfte:)

Michelle Helfenberger
vor 2 Jahren
Samuel war ein super Fahrlehrer! Sehr freundlich, viele praktische tips, super Vorbereitung auf die Fahrprüfung! Töffprüfung (unbegrenzt) gleich beim ersten Mal bestanden

Ingo Stoessel
vor 2 Jahren
Die Fahrstunden sind sehr Schüler spezifisch und gut auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse des Fahrschülers angepasst.

Jonas Heissler
vor 2 Jahren
Die Fahrstunden mit Samuel waren sehr lehrreich. Er hat mir super gezielte praktische Tipps für sicheres Autofahren gegeben. Samuel ist sehr kompetenter Fahrlehrer.

Bassem Da
vor 3 Jahren
Das Autofahren lernen mit Samuel hat immer viel Spass gemacht und er hat mich super auf die Prüfung vorbereitet. Ich kann ihn als Fahrlehrer nur weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank für die lehrreichen und lustigen Stunden.

Tanja Larissa
vor 3 Jahren
Ich bin sehr sehr froh, über einen Umweg zu Samuel gefunden zu haben.Mit seiner frischen, ehrlichen und offenen Art, hat er es super schnell geschafft das jede Stunde wie im Flug verging und trotzdem die Lernkurve immer steil nach oben.Ich … Mehr danke ihm von Herzen für die spontane Zeit, ich würde ihn immer und sofort weiter empfehlen.

vor 3 Jahren
Ein super motivierter Fahrlehrer. Hab so viele gute, hilfreiche Techniken und Tipps von ihm erhalten. Danke dir für dein Geduld und Motivation. Ich spreche hiermit meinen Dank aus und kann ihn nur bestens weiterempfehlen.

Anushiya Balendiran
vor 3 Jahren
Die Vorbereitung für meine Motorradprüfung Kat. A (+35KW) war sensationell. Samuel kennt das Prüfungsgebiet in Zürich 1:1, ich bin an der Prüfung die exakt selbe Strecke gefahren ! Für die Motorradprüfung kann ich Samuel sehr empfehlen, … Mehr die Stunden sind von der Zeit wählbar (Einzel oder Doppelstunde) und Samuel ist sehr genau in der Beobachtung beim Fahren und gibt hilfreiche und wertvolle Tipps.

Joël Diserens
vor 3 Jahren
Die Fahrstunden mit Samuel waren immer sehr lehrreich und haben auch Spass gemacht. Er ist super flexibel und gibt gezielt Tipps zum effektivsten Lernfortschritt.Nur zu empfehlen

vor 3 Jahren
Top Fahrlehrer! Sehr flexibel und offen.Gestaltet die Stunden sehr individuell, so dass ich viel mitreden konnte, und somit eine perfekt auf mich abgestimmte fahrstunde hatte.Er ist ein lockerer und humorvoller typ, der einem auch die letzte … Mehr Nervosität beim autofahren nimmt.Ich kann ihn nur weiterempfehlen!

Noah _
vor 3 Jahren
Ich habe mich immer sehr auf die Fahrstunden mit Samuel gefreut. Sie waren immer sehr abwechslungsreich. Seine stets aufgestellte und fröhliche Art habe ich sehr geschätzt. Er war ehrlich, wenn es um die Bewertung meiner Leistung ging. … Mehr Verbesserungsvorschläge wurden direkt mit auf den Weg gegeben. Wenn Samuel das gleiche Verhalten in einer Situation bei mehreren Fahrschülern sah, so analysierte er dies und dachte sich sinnvolle Übungen aus. Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit, wie er mich auf die Fahrprüfung vorbereitet hat.

Annick Grosjean
vor 3 Jahren
Ich habe ein paar Fahrlehrer kennengelernt. Jedoch konnte ich mit Samuel am besten und einfachsten das Auto fahren lernen. Mit den anderen ging es nicht so gut ich kam nicht vorwärts. Der Samuel konnte mir viele Tipps geben, worum ich sehr … Mehr dankbar war. Er hatte so viel Geduld, ich habe selber ab und zu an mir gezweifelt. Samuel hat mir immer Motivation gegeben und hat sich mehr Zeit genommen als er sollte. Ich kann ihn nur weiterempfehlen. Er gibt sich sehr Mühe und möchte wirklich das man alles schafft egal wie lange es geht.

Monica Blazevic
vor 3 Jahren
Samuel ist ein sehr kompetenter Fahrlehrer. Ich hatte sehr sehr grosse Angst vorm Autofahrern aber Samuel hat mit seiner sehr präzisen Art die genaue Vorgehensweise beim Autofahrern zu erklären und mit seinem Humor, meine Angst verschwinden … Mehr lassen und mir gezeigt, dass ich es schaffen kann. Ich habe beim ersten Versuch bestanden und kann Samuel sehr weiterempfehlen!!!

Despina Georgiadou
vor 3 Jahren